“Eat o. If you don’t eat, I’ll be angry”
A colleague would say this to me while I was working a full-time 9–6.
Truth is, I was always caught up with one thing or the other and on most days, she made it a point of duty that I ate something.
Shoutout to M!
I found the statement funny though because it reminded me of a tweet I once saw of how that was the only statement stingy/broke Nigerian men had to offer you.
And really, thinking about it now, I see nothing bad in someone worrying about whether you’ve eaten or not. It really shows they care.
Now let’s talk about the day I almost died of hunger
If someone had said my opening phrase to me that morning, and followed through with it, like M usually would, I wouldn’t have passed out.
Okay, now I’m admitting that I need help. Because I honestly do not understand who I’ve become, and how I am so comfortable with starving myself to the point where I become dizzy and on this day, I lost consciousness.
It’s crazier because I wasn’t even home and I scared the life out of who I was with.
Hey, if you ever read this, I am very sorry I fainted on you.
I just might need help because after my life flashed before my eyes that day, I made a promise to myself to eat as early as 10am everyday. Guess what? This only happened the next day. I didn’t eat until 8pm the day after.
I really don’t want to die of hunger again…
This is a cry for help!
What do you do if your body doesn’t signal loudly to your brain that it needs food?