I’m hardly the one to meet new people.
I’m too self-absorbed.
I’d rather do things alone and I often get misunderstood as proud and arrogant.
At 23, it’s clearer to me that I look so much like my mum.
My mum is really gentle, keeps no friends to the point where I consider it a bit worrisome.
My mum only has acquaintances around her, I really wonder what her childhood must have been like.
Okay, back to me.
I keep a few friends close, and I didn’t know this; I just realised that I would do so much for someone I count as a friend.
This also reminds me of scenarios where my mum has crawled for people who didn’t eventually have her back.
I should stop doing this now.
I didn’t write this to bore you with the similarities I share with my mum.
I rarely get close to people and this because I’m very careful who I give my loyalty to.
I appreciate people and I would go extra length for anyone I like.
And this same me, hates confrontations.
I hate having to explain myself so much.
I really really do arggh.
Anyways, you’re probably wondering the point of this piece.
Well, I’m currently about to make a decision that would hurt some people I care about – work and ‘family’.
Trust me, I’m doing it for myself.
I’ll definitely come back to this post, whether it ends up well or not.
But, if you ever get a chance to meet me, you may not like me at first, I’m not sure I would either.
Just have it at the back of your mind that I AM MAGIC!